Toshiba’s Electromagnetic Flowmeters:
Inteligence, High Quality and Durability

Electromagnetic flowmeters are instruments for measuring the flow of conductive fluids, using Faraday’s principle of electromagnetic induction. Toshiba has been marketing electromagnetic flowmeters since the late 1960’s. Toshiba flowmeters, the result of a wealth of experience and considerable engineering expertise , have won accolades in all areas of industry.
A full lineup of products covering diameters from 1/10″ to 120″ as well as various liner materials to accommodate diverse fluids are available, making possible fluid measurements in almost any imaginable application.

ElectroMagnetic Flowmeters
Main Applications
Water and Waste.
Food, Beverageand Pharmaceutical.
Steel, Nonferrous Metals, Cooling water, Metals Processing, Stack gas desulfurization.
Fertilizers and Inorganic Chemicals, Fertilizers, Soda, Aqueous acid solutions, Aqueous alkaline solutions.
Pulp and Paper, Paper making processes, Pulp.
Polymer Chemicals, Chemical fibers, Water-soluble applications, Water-soluble adhesives.
Toshiba Technology Meets Diverse Needs
The divided multi-sampling system provides reliable and accurate measurement of a wide variety of fluids.
Unique noise suppression technology reduces chemical noise.
A high-purity alumina ceramic measurement tube eliminates potiential problems in the measurement of fluids at elevated temperatures, corrosive chemicals, and fluids under other conditions.
Toshiba’s functional magnetic field distribution technique and the reduced number of flowmeter components result in improved flow measurement efficiency reliability.