Tank Profilers

The ID-310 is a portable “tank profiler”. It is a sensor with an antenna on the end of a measurement tape and the electronics (transmitter) encased in the sensor. The sensor can be lowered and raised in a tank to make measurements of the process at various elevations. The sensor sends a signal back to the reel assembly, which has an electronic module that converts the signal to a percent water reading. It is also capable of making process temperature measurements from 0º to 80º C. The electronics have the capability of storing information from several tanks.

The ID-310 is an industrial instrument for measuring emulsion and temperature profiles. This compact, portable unit measures not only level/ullage and organics/water interface levels, but also the percent water concentration in the hydrocarbon or organic layer/emulsion.

The ID-310 is very user-friendly, and contains a full alphanumeric LCD display and menu-driven user interface. Data from up to 10 tanks is stored in the microprocessor, and can be downloaded to a user’s computer via RS-232, or retrieved on the profiler’s LCD display.