Leakwise Oil on Water Detection and Monitoring Systems

With the Leakwise product line, Ionics Instrument Business Group has broadened its water quality measurement capability with break-through technology to monitor oil on water. As environmental concerns mount regarding our global water resources, Leakwise oil on water measurement systems provide state of the art solutions for the early detection and mitigation of water pollution events. Oil refineries, seaport authorities, water municipalities and power generation facilities represent a few of the industries benefiting from Leakwise technology.

The Leakwise oil detection sensors use high frequency electromagnetic energy absorption floating sensors, which enable reliable monitoring of hydrocarbon on water regardless of dirt or oil coating of the sensor or change in water level or water salinity.

The Leakwise product family includes:


D-221 Oil Sheen Monitoring System

The LeakwiseŽ ID-221 is installed in sumps and in groundwater monitoring wells to detect floating oil sheens resulting from leaking underground storage tanks and pipe-lines. It is also used to monitor hydrocarbons and other organic solvents during site assessment and remediation.

Additional applications are in detecting and monitoring floating hydrocarbons in: sewer systems, waste water treatment systems, oil/water separators, cooling water trenches and canals, storm water run-offs, retention ponds and sumps, boiler condensate tanks etc.



ID-223 Oil Sheen Monitoring System

The LEAKWISEŽ ID-223 can be installed in dry sumps to detect oil leakage or spillage from above-ground oil storage tanks in tank farms or to detect oil leaks from transformers in sumps at power distribution substations. It can also be used to monitor waste water discharge after treatment.

Additional applications are in detecting and monitoring floating hydrocarbons in sewer systems, oil/water separators, cooling water trenches and canals, storm water run-offs, retention ponds, boiler condensate tanks, and groundwater remediation systems.


ID-225 Oil Thickness Monitoring System

The ID-225 Oil Thickness Monitoring System has three primary applications:

Remediation Control
Inserting the ID-225 in groundwater monitoring wells enables one to:

  • Plot changes in oil thickness over time to enable more effective choice of oil skimming wells
  • Monitor effectiveness of remediation techniques
  • Implement automatic on/off control of the remediation techniques

Skim Tanks
In many processes, a skim tank is used to collect entrained oil in waste water. The ID-225 is inserted into a tank through one of the inspection hatches, enabling the top skimming operation to automatically start and stop.

Monitoring Oil/Water Separators
Environmental regulations require oil/water separators to be covered. An ID-225 can monitor the thickness of the oil layer build-up in the separator.

ID-227 Oil Sheen Monitoring System for Marine Applications

The Leakwise ID-227 is designed to be installed off-shore near oil tanker buoy terminals, jetties, piers in order to detect floating oil sheens resulting from spills or leaks which may occur during the loading/discharge process.

Additional applications are in detecting and monitoring floating hydrocarbons near off-shore oil rigs and in lagoons, lakes, rivers, open channels, large retention ponds etc.

ID-227WL Wireless Oil Sheen Monitoring System for Marine Applications

The new Leakwise WL, Wireless oil-sheen detectors, and oil build-up monitors use Orbcomm satellite communication and cellular networks to alert operators of oil leaks/spills. These floating sensors, which use the latest technology of high frequency electromagnetic energy absorption, are unaffected by dirt or oil coating or by changes in water level, salinity, and temperature. This technology enables reliable operation with no false alarm and very low maintenance costs.

The Leakwise IS-227WL system consists of a Wave Rider Buoy incorporating:

  • An oil detection sensor
  • Awireless digital signal processor
  • Wireless communication antennas
  • A solar panel with battery

The wave rider buoy is designed to maintain the position of the sensor's detecting antenna at the liquid-air interface, despite fluctuations in the liquid level due to waves and tide. The ID-227WL sensor can detect as little as 0.3 mm layer of oil on water reliably, repeatedly and without false alarms. It has five levels of adjustable oil alarm set points for monitoring on-line changes in oil layer thickness up to 20 mm.

The wireless digital signal processor (WSP-220) transmits alarm and status messages via satellite and/or cellular and/or other wireless methods in the form of e-mail, SMS message, or other message media. An alarm message will be transmitted when an oil alarm set point is violated. A status message is transmitted every programmable time interval, thus enabling monitoring the oil layer thickness trend. A built-in test feature is continuously monitoring failure free system operation.

The ID-227WL is designed to be installed off-shore near oil tanker buoy terminals, jetties, and piers in order to detect floating oil sheens resulting from spills or leaks which may occur during the loading/discharge process. Additional applications are available in detecting and monitoring floating hydrocarbons near off-shore oil rigs and in lagoons, lakes, rivers, open channels, and large retention ponds.

Dietary Fiber Analyzers

The VELP system includes a mixing water bath for the delicate enzymatic digestion phase and a filtration unit for the final filtration and washing phase.