
H/I-76 Microtome Knife Sharpener 
Fast and economical, the unique patented process, sharpens and reconditions all steel microtome knives, profiles A, B, C, and D up to 25 cm length in minutes. No messy pastes. The H/I-76 produces knife edges equal or superior to the finest hand stropping. Includes video instructions. Made in U.S.A.


  • Stay Sharp Longer
  • Economically Priced
  • Four Profiles
  • Fit most Microtomes
Profile Characteristic Application
knifesa.gif (6830 bytes) Plane- very concave hollow- ground blade with extra-thin cutting edge.  Fresh specimens, alcohol-hardened objects soft celloidin objects.
knifesb.gif (6777 bytes) Plane- slightly concave hollow-ground blade with less thin cut-ting edge. Soft paraffin objects, harder celloidin objects.
knifesc.gif (5217 bytes) Plane both sides (wedge-shaped) standard profile. Paraffin objects, frozen objects, hard celloidin objects.
knifesd.gif (5541 bytes) Plane both sides (wedge-shaped) with steep cutting edge. Extra-hard objects such as leather, rubber, paper, film, wood, plastics.