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The Sample Tray is located in the center of the working area; 60 samples, standards or controls can be easily inserted in the proper positions, identified by a progressive number. Positions can be reserved for off-scale dilutions and are identified by a red line. The sample tray is easily removed for loading and unloading of samples.


The Reagent Tray can contain up to 18 reagents, temperature controlled for stability by a Peltier, which is located in the left side of the working area. A computer controlled needle, connected to a high precision micro syringe allows for sample and reagent pick up. The needle also senses reagent levels.


The Reaction Cuvettes are located around the Sample Tray. A computer controlled needle connected to a high precision micro syringe, picks up the sample and the reagents. After preheating, in a coil positioned in the body of the needle arm, they are inserted into a reaction cuvette that is temperature controlled up to 50°C. A proper wash cycle between samples ensures there is no carry-over from the previous sample. Possible carry-over
can be measured and corrected via the software.


As soon as the analysis program is complete, a second needle connected to a peristaltic pump is activated. The needle is inserted into the cuvette. Then sample is then pumped into a temperature controlled flow cell where the O.D. is detected by a colorimeter that automatically selects the right wavelength. A proper flow cell wash cycle ensures there is no carry-over from the previous sample. Optional flow cell lengths are available for
greater resolution.