Calibration/Maintenance Solutions

pH 4.01 Buffer Solution
pH 6.86 Buffer Solution
pH 7.01 Buffer Solution
pH 9.18 Buffer Solution
pH 10.01 Buffer Solution
pH & ORP Buffer & Electrolyte Solutions
Sodium, Sodium Choride & Fluoride Solutions
Conductivity Solutions
TDS & Salinity Solutions

It is difficult to exaggerate the importance of buffer and maintenance solutions. Expensive equipment is often utilized well below its full capabilities due to the lack of proper maintenance of the sensors. With Hanna solutions, this is no longer a problem. All solutions are produced against instruments calibrated by high purity NiST Standard reference material. Due to the sheer volume of solutions produced, the quantity of chemicals used provides a much better resolution than if small volumes were prepared by a laboratory technician.

In many labs, buffer solutions are often prepared from capsules, tablets and chemical powders presuming that they are more accurate and less expensive when "freshly" made. This, however, does not correspond to reality, since the quality of the buffers depends on the quality and weight of the chemicals and distilled water as well as many other factors such as temperature control and the instrumentation used for their preparation. At Hanna, buffers are prepared with analytical grade chemicals under the stringent ISO 9002 regulations in a clean laboratory environment and using high-tech reference material. pH buffers are certified to ±0.01 accuracy at 25°C and carry individual expiration dates. Solutions are supplied in FDA approved amber bottles which are impervious to direct light. Last but not least, it comes as a pleasant surprise to know that Hanna solutions often cost less than "freshly" prepared buffers! In the sections listed above, we'll introduce you to an array of solutions, tailor-made in specifications, size and configuration for particular applications, guaranteeing that your electrochemical measurements are accurate, every time.

A certificate of analysis showing the date of manufacturing, lot#, accuracy and expiration date of pH buffer is available upon request adding "/C" to the end of the code.

Hanna's range of standardization and maintenance solutions satisfy the various applications of the user, from pH MBS (NiST) and Standard buffers to conductivity and oxygen solutions, from double-junction electrolyte to soil preparation, from ORP test solution to sodium calibration,...

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